Perform the setup as indicated in The Path to Carcosa Campaign Guide, with the following exceptions:
- When gathering encounter sets, also gather the new encounter sets for Return to Echoes of the Past shown here.
- Randomly choose one Basement Historical Society location and remove it from the game, without looking at its revealed side.
(Continued on reverse side.)
Return to Echoes of the Past - Back
- When putting locations into play, put all 3 copies of Quiet Halls into play, along with the remaining 8 Historical Society locations. (The 3 basement locations should be placed to form a bottom row below the 3 ground floor locations.)
- Set both Keeper of the Oath enemies aside, out of play.
For the duration of this scenario, the following additional rule applies:
"Forced - After the investigators advance to act 2 or act 3: Spawn a set-aside Keeper of the Oath in any empty Historical Society location."
Attach this card to the scenario reference card as a reminder.
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