Charlie Kane
The Politician


Civic. Socialite.

Willpower: 1. Intellect: 1. Combat: 1. Agility: 1.
Health: 6. Sanity: 6.

You have 3 additional ally slots.

During a skill test you are performing, exhaust an Ally asset you control: For this test, you get +1 skill value, plus an additional +1 for each skill icon that Ally asset has that matches this test's type.

effect: +3. Ready an Ally asset at your location.

"It can be arranged. It's just a matter of acceptable terms."
Magali Villeneuve
The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion #18.
No image

Charlie Kane - Back


Deck Size: 30.

Class Choices: At deck creation, choose 2 classes (, , , , or ).

Deckbuilding Options: Ally cards level 0-5, Neutral cards level 0-5, cards from your chosen classes level 0-2.

Deckbuilding Requirements (do not count toward deck size): Bonnie Walsh, Burden of Leadership, 1 random basic weakness.

Charlie Kane promised the people of Arkham a safer future. He made a lot of promises - lower taxes, better schools, less crime. It was part of the job, after all. And although he sometimes had to do things he wasn't proud of, Charlie always did work for the greater good. So when he started hearing the reports, he put the people first. Of course, he couldn't tell anyone. Widespread panic would not serve the public good. Besides, who'd believe him? Still, Charlie has always had connections in town. So he made a few calls, put a task force together, and went to work.

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