Archaic Glyphs
Item. Occult. Tome.
Cost: 0.
Test Icons:
Discard a card with at least 1 skill icon from your hand: Place 1 resource on Archaic Glyphs from the token pool, as a secret.
Forced - After the third secret is placed on Archaic Glyphs: Discard Archaic Glyphs and gain 5 resources. Record in your Campaign Log that "you have translated the glyphs."
Anna Christenson
The Path to Carcosa #25.
- Archaic Glyphs: Markings of Isis (3) Return to the Path to Carcosa #4
- Archaic Glyphs: Guiding Stones (3) A Phantom of Truth #192
- Archaic Glyphs: Prophecy Foretold (3) A Phantom of Truth #193
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