Firearm. Improvised. Item. Weapon.
Cost: 2.
Test Icons:
Dwayne Hicks deck only. Uses (4 ammo).
When you play this card, you can attach it to your location using its effect instead of putting it in your play area.
Any investigator at this card's location can use this ability. (Limit once per round.) Attach this card to your location or place it in your play area. (Max 1 per location.) While attached to a location, Sentry Turret doesn't take up slots and Dwayne Hicks gains:
" At the start of the enemy phase, exhaust Sentry Turret and spend 1 ammo: Fight. Dwayne Hicks attacks as if he was at the attached location. You get +1 and deal +1 damage for this attack. Ignore the aloof and retaliate keywords for this attack."
Whimsical & Adran's Colaborative Custom Cards #34.
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